CoolCard API
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User Messages Listing API This API endpoint is used to list messages sent by a specific user or messages sent by employees of a corporate manager.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
"Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"
Success (200 OK) A successful response returns all messages from the user or corporate manager in JSON format. Messages are sorted by the date they were sent.
This error occurs if the apikey parameter is not sent or is null.
This error occurs for server-side issues and when the user cannot be found in the database.
Example response:
A user can call the API to retrieve their sent messages as follows:
If the user is a corporate manager, the API response will also include messages from the manager's employees.
Messages are sorted by date (date field). The newest messages appear at the top.
-"id": Message ID. -"uid": User's name and surname. -"kartid": User's card ID. -"ip": Visitor's IP address. -"country": Visitor's country information. -"city": Visitor's city. -"browser": Visitor's browser information. -"device": Visitor's device type. -"ad": Visitor's name and surname information. -"eposta": Visitor's email address. -"telefon": Visitor's phone number. -"mesaj": Visitor's message information. -"date": Visitor's message date information. (ISO 8601) -"okundu": Message read/unread status. -"company": Visitor's company information.
-"API key: Used to authenticate the user and retrieve related messages." *** If a user is a corporate manager, the response will also include messages from the employees under the manager's authority.
This documentation provides all the necessary information for developers who want to use the API. It explains how to call the API, which parameters to use, and what response to expect.
User's API key.